The Butterfly Effect

God bless the broken road. Dot dot dot dot dot dot dot. I am not perfect, I know this about myself. I also know I'm not alone in this. It is hard sometimes when I catch myself dwelling on my past mistakes, if I only did this, or that - then what. I have to quiet my mind. Every choice I've made has led me here and maybe some of them were the "wrong" choices but I can do right by understanding that there is a lesson in everything. I've had many lessons in life, and I will continue to, but it's how I take what I've learned and move forward. I've been learning more about mindset, that's something that will always be constant. Will I slip into the darkest shadows and wallow in self pity - because I've been there, or will I rise above the ashes and continue to evolve. It's a daily battle between the darkness and the light. As everyday passes I remember more and more of who I am. I allow myself to just be. Be at peace amongst the pieces, to pick myself back up again and create the greatest version of myself I could ever imagine. I am me and you are you, but who I chose to be now will be greater than who I was. | *edit* Ok so reading that all back I can't help but find it corny LOL I was really giving mellow drama vibes to be honest, and that isn't what I'm going for. I wish I could just voice note it, then it would make sense but this will have to do. All I know is this, every day is a new opportunity to start again, to be better. To get better. If you live every day in competition with the last than you're on the right path (as if I know what the right path is LOL). Don't take advice from me lol, all the answers are within yourself. Usually, when I ask for advice it's because I don't want to face reality, but that's a whole other tangent. Make every day better than the last, that's what I'm getting at. I am always wanting to better myself for myself. Because that's all we have. Ourselves. So anyways, yeah... I'm going to figure out my flow with this blog thingy and just know this: men are from Mars women are from Venus and if it isn't good it means it isn't the end.